Lifestyle Cycles – Your Life was filled with Purpose and Power

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Lifestyle Cycles

Lifestyle Cycles and Lifestyles examine the soul’s purpose at each stage and the habits and patterns that support that purpose. Rise to your excellence as a teacher, erase old marks, connect with your soul and increase to live in your grace and uniqueness as a teacher through all life’s cycles. Deepen your habits and develop the ability to act with integrity, awareness, intuitions, and compassion.

What if Each Day of Your Life was Occupied with Purpose and Power?

If you lived in balance with the lifestyle cycles of life, you could excel at each stage. What if you mastered the physical and mental habits that allow you to embody your higher self with every breath you take? Have a great time in your destiny, the unique gift of your life, and the opportunities in each phase to be original, pure and innocent in your infinity.

Such a life begins with a clear understanding of who we are as human beings, our intelligence of self, our identity, and our purpose. When we understand this, we can confidently participate in every phase of our lives and make the best lifestyle Cycles decisions to support our growth and health. This is about you and your relationship with the cycle of destiny. It is about applied disciplines and attitudes that allow you to pave the way to an extraordinary life.

Self-Assessment Within the Five Mirrors of Consciousness

Conscious Communication

Raise and penetrate the power of the word. Communication is the art of building future heavens, and people who do not have it have any future, no matter what religion, country, or nation they belong to you.

Communicating with the other is a reflection of your communication with yourself. This will provide you with the necessary tools and experiences to create a more authentic and powerful projection of yourself. It will lead you to discover your intuitive capacity and how to respond wisely and compassionately to any moment or situation.

  • Listen and respond with compassion.
  • Uplift and inspire through your word.
  • Communicate your needs and feelings
  • You will achieve harmonious and rewarding results in your relationships with others
  • Meditation techniques to awaken the power of your word and its projection
  • Communicate from that inner space where all duality disappears, and divinity flows within you.

Mind and Meditation

When you conquer the mind, you conquer the world. Mind and Meditation invite us to a profound reflection on the nature and dynamics of our mind and its role in reaching our human and spiritual potential. In it, we explore the projections, aspects, and facets of the spirit and its relationship with our consciousness. It is full of deep meditative practices that consolidate learning, awaken creativity, and give us the strength and resilience we need to open the doors to our inner wisdom.

  • Control negative, positive and neutral mind
  • As the basis for calmness and wisdom.
  • Recognize the forces that shape our mind to understand its nature.
  • Develop intuition
  • Understand the concepts of hematology related to the mind.
  • Visualize the basics of mental health.
  • Advanced Meditation Techniques
  • Methods to choose the most suitable Meditation

Authentic Relationships

Reveal you’re true identity in the matrix of conscious relationships. Recognize and reconcile that it is a relationship, making three in one and one in three -soul, mind and body, body, mind, and spirit- in the unanimous experience of surrender.

It will open you to the simplicity of the unlimited perception of where to find the magical ways of love. The Authentic Relationships experience breaks down the blocks that prevent you from experiencing connection. Helps heal the illusion of isolation and separation. This transformative experience will give you the tools to help you integrate authentic relationships into your life. Dive into your current relationships and change them so you can find and enjoy new and better relationships.

  • The actual relationship experience.
  • Love and the infinite game of life.
  • The law of polarity in relationships.
  • Live your true self.
  • Divine joy and masculine and feminine play.
  • Inheritance and descent: the transition of grace and consciousness
  • We are connected to all of creation, everyone, and everything in the world. Our most incredible illusion is to feel that, in some way, we are separated, isolated, or hidden from others. This feeling of disconnection is a tool very well managed by our ego for its purposes, defense, control, fear, and defeat.

Relationships can only be a connection. Or they may be a deeper reflection of our core process as human beings: fulfilling and completing our soul and personality. Experiencing relationships with this sensitivity gives you more perspective, options, and an awareness of the implications of your actions. This sense of authentic relationship with oneself and with others requires intuition, depth, and caliber. Increase your existence. Learn to connect on more profound and broader levels.

Lifestyle Cycles and Lifestyles

Lifestyle Cycles and Lifestyles

Discover the mystery and mastery in each life cycle. It is about taking this flame that has awakened our hearts and minds and transmitting it so that this entire planet receives an aura of light as we evolve into the new age. It is about the enriching experience of stillness, kindness, and compassion that everyone has had and that is felt by everyone who meets us. There are the values of consciousness, beyond all religions, beyond all countries

Come and experience the next step of transformation! This will deepen your understanding of life cycles and how they relate to your habits. Life Cycles and Lifestyles explore the soul’s purpose at each stage of life and the habits and patterns that support that purpose. Rise to your excellence as a teacher, erase old marks, connect with your soul and increase to live in your grace and uniqueness as a teacher throughout all life cycles. Deepen your habits and develop the ability to act with integrity, awareness, intuitions, and compassion.

  • Renewing the Hidden Self-Concept: Healing the Formative Years
  • Adolescence and promotion of regular grooming
  • Early Adulthood: Productivity, Wealth, and Shared Resources
  • Crisis of maturity and middle age: communicating values and legacy
  • Older Years: Character, Integrity, and Fusion
  • We will learn to face death and our fears and also live lightly.
  • We will trace the phases and cycles of our lives.
  • We will see life habits and practices that help us in each stage of life.
  • We will get an idea of the whole cycle of destiny and meditate on all the cycles through which we advance.

Vitality and Stress

Cultivate the caliber to monitor yourself and others through life’s challenges. Relaxing, finding your potential and vitality, and achieving your virtues are easy. There is nothing outside, everything is you, and you are the storehouse of your totality.

Each of us is destined to be a teacher, acting with a bold spirit, outstanding caliber, character, and the vitality to weather any crisis. We must cultivate the essential skills for this coming age, recognizing stress in ourselves and others and acquiring the ability to transform it. This is a chance to look closely at how we respond, manage, and master our vitality.

Cultivate the foundational skill for this coming age: the ability to recognize stress in ourselves and others and develop the tools to transform and balance it through mindful relaxation.

  • Explore your vitality and recognize awareness as the seed of energy.
  • Identify your personality under stress
  • Heal your depression and emotional exhaustion
  • Calm down, rest, and recharge energies through Meditation
  • Recognize the victory of the spiritual warrior
  • We will build our core vitality, mental toughness, and spiritual clarity.
  • We will explore the processes, effects, and downsides of too much stress.
  • We will identify strategies to manage stress and mitigate its harmful effects.
  • What is a positive and negative emotion?
  • What is the difference between an emotion and a shock?
  • Can we bring positive emotions to manage stress better?
  • What qualities and attitudes protect us from the effects of stress?
  • What are the dysfunctional reactions of our personality and subconscious when we are under stress?


Create awareness among people by promoting healthy lifestyle cycles; we are what we eat, we are what we buy, and we are what we give to our children. Responsible consumption allows us to enjoy adequate health and well-being through a suitable lifestyle of physical, mental, and spiritual peace. A space to appreciate the farmer’s work in the field, the natural, and above all, our body offering food and products made in responsible and ethical conditions.