Hand Poke and Stick Tattoo Kit – Clean & Safe

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About Stick Tattoo

Stick tattoo: It is also called a hand-soaked tattoo or without a machine. Tend to have punk and DIY environments associated with them due to their modern origins in the underground cultural scene. The designs created in this way tend to be considered essential and minimum designs but can vary in complexity from a simple point to a profound detail and intricate piece. Regardless of their appearance. The tattoos of glued bags come with the pride of having a more intimate and rudimentary sensation.

In general, an essential part of tattoos is preventing infection and disease, so sterilization is necessary when understood. Unfortunately, “Stick Tattoo” images can make you think this type of tattoo is insecure or casual. The truth is that many expert tattoo artists are using sterile equipment in clean and safe stores, demonstrating that the method can be as beautiful, well done, and secure as a machine tattoo.

What are Stick and Poke Tattoos?

What are Stick and Poke Tattoos_

Palos tattoos are a non-electric tattoo form; a tattoo machine is not use. On the other hand, the ink is applied to the skin by hand. Joining a needle to a gadget similar to a rod and a pencil. A thread (professionals use a tattoo needle) to create an analog tattoo machine.

They sound exactly what they communicate. The design is generate by diving into ink and putting it into the skin as soon as the needle is safe.

The handbook process came from traditional non-electrical tattoos across cultures that were generally used in connection with community or religion. The individual needle and ink process comes from ancient Egypt since mummies have complicated tattoos on their arms, shoulders, and belly. Use of sewing needles and Indian ink until DIY was popular with a tattoo.

Where to Get a Stick Tattoo

The most significant thing to know about obtaining a stick and a poke are to find a good reputation artist to ensure that sterile tools of high quality and ink are use. People get digs for many reasons: aesthetics, a deeper connection with a tattoo, or prefer it to a tattoo made with a gun. But the search for a bad tattoo is never one. If you ever see someone who uses a sewing needle or space is not clean, do not tattoo there.

Will it Hurt?

Like a machine tattoo, the sticks hurt differently for all, depending on the placement, design, and tolerance to pain. I have two posts of shaft and tip on my inner ankles. While the first one hurt, the second was less painful than some of the machine’s tattoos on my arm. Some people think that pain is not as bad as the tattoo of the device; Others find that it is worse. It is if it prefers a needle that moves moderately slowly on the skin or many hands that move quickly simultaneously; It depends entirely on your tolerance.

How Long Does It Last?

A common misconception is that stick-and-pokes quality doesn’t last as long as a machine-done tattoo; however, that’s not entirely correct. The truth is that if your stick-and-poke starts to fade or generally diminishes in quality. The person you went to was perhaps inexperienced and didn’t use the proper measures. Tattooing is, at its principal, the same idea nevertheless of the method: You’re inserting a needle with ink into your skin repeatedly to create a strategy.

But the riskiest part for any hand-poke artist is pushing the hand into the skin sufficiently deep for the ink to take. If it’s too profound, you’ll get a blowout, which means all the lines blur together and feather out. The ink won’t stay at all if it’s not deep enough. Your tattoo will last like any other intention if the artist uses safe, clean tools and knows what they’re doing.

How do You Take Care of a Stick Tattoo?

The subsequent care of Stick-And-Poke is generally the same as the following care for a machine tattoo. But hand-embedded ink may not cost so much and probably will not take so long to heal if it is done correctly. Most likely, his artist wraps his tattoo once he is ready. But if he does not (or ignored our advice and went to an amateur). Make sure that the fresh tattoo is covered for at least two more two hours.

Then, the wrapping can be remove, and the ink should be wash with a soft perfume cleaner and hydrated with a specific lotion or power. The tattoo must be clean and hydrate approximately twice daily until it is completely cure. Be sure to keep the tattoo out of the sun and not immerse it in the water during its healing period.


Stick tattoos are an excellent way to explore. New ways of tattooing and gain a sense of aesthetic pride along the way. You can even end up preferring the process to the tattoos made to the machine.

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