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Well.healthorganic.com is a website that gives complete information on health-related topics like healthy tips, how to lose or gain weight, facial fitness, anti-ageing tips, ayurvedic remedies etc. In this article, we shall learn about wellhealthorganic.com:5-herbal-teas-you-can-consume-to-get-relief-from-bloating-and-gas.

Bloating And Gas

We all might have experienced the severity of bloating and gas problems. Your stomach feels tight, full and often painful. You might feel bloated even if you don’t have a distended abdomen. Bloating is usually a digestive issue, at times with mild pain but sometimes very severe pain. Usually, it goes away after a while, but for some, it comes very frequently and lasts longer. There could be many reasons to suffer with this issue like heavy meals, too much drinking of beverages, constipation, menstruation etc.

Remedies of Bloating and Gas

Due to the discomfort and pain with bloating and gas, people immediately go for natural remedies, and, mainly, it works. Your stomach becomes tight and swollen, and people generally go for consuming hot water or doing some exercises. You have to reduce your intake of milk and milk products, oily foods, bakery items etc. What else can we do?

5 Herbal Teas You Can Consume to Get Relief from Bloating and Gaswellhealthorganic.com:5-herbal-teas-you-can-consume-to-get-relief-from-bloating-and-gas

If you still suffer after trying essential home remedies, the best way to get rid of this pain is to consume Herbal tea. Herbal teas have been well-known for centuries for health and wellness. It is the simplest way to cure digestive problems. Herbal teas are famous not just for their Aroma and Taste but also for having numerous health advantages and therapeutic properties. Intake of herbal teas also reduces stress, anxiety and Insomnia. Here, we will learn more about the primary 5 Herbal Teas to consume when you are suffering from Bloating and Gas problems.

Peppermint Tea

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a fragrant herb from the mint family. Its leaves contain numerous active compounds, including menthol, which has multiple health benefits, particularly for the digestive system—the cool and refreshing properties of mint help to cure bloating and gas properties. Consult a specialist before use if you are pregnant or on any medication.

How to Prepare Peppermint Tea:

  • Boil a cup of water in a kettle or saucepan.
  • If using fresh peppermint leaves, gently rinse and pat them dry before using. For dried leaves, measure out 1-2 teaspoons.
  • Place the fresh or dried peppermint leaves in a teapot or cup. Pour the boiling water over the leaves, and allow them to steep for 5-10 minutes
  • Strain the tea to remove the leaves and pour the tea into a cup. Enjoy it hot or cold, based on your preference.
  • You can enhance the flavour of your peppermint tea by adding honey, lemon, or a cinnamon stick. However, avoid adding sugar, which can contribute to bloating and gas.

Ginger Tea

Ginger is one of the best spices for bloating and gas problems. You can use it with or without tea; add honey and lemon for best results and taste.

How to Prepare Ginger Tea:

  • Boil a cup of water in a kettle or saucepan.
  • If using fresh ginger, peel and thinly slice a small piece (about 1-2 inches) or grate it. For dried ginger powder, measure out 1-2 teaspoons.
  • Place the fresh ginger slices or dried ginger powder in a teapot or cup. Pour the boiling water over the ginger and allow it to steep for 5-10 minutes
  • Strain the tea to remove the ginger pieces or powder and pour the tea into a cup. You can enjoy it hot or cold, depending on your preference.
  • You can enhance the flavour of your ginger tea by adding honey, lemon, or a cinnamon stick. However, avoid adding sugar, as it can contribute to bloating and gas.

Caraway (Ajwain) Tea

It is one of the best home remedies for gas and indigestion. The aromatic seeds are added to a number of our dishes to boost flavour, and when consumed in the form of tea, it may promote digestion due to the presence of thymol in it. Ajwain seeds are said to be an effective remedy for flatulence as well.

How to Prepare Ajwain Tea:

  • Boil some ajwain seeds in water
  • Filter the water into a cup and add black salt, honey (or any other sweetener of choice) and lemon to it.
  • Strain the tea to remove the seeds and pour the tea into a cup

Fennel Tea

Fennel seeds, or saunf, are one of the best home spices that cool the body naturally and help the smooth functioning of the digestive system. Saunf aids the digestion of food; this is why Indians consume it post-dinner. When boiled with water and consumed, fennel may provide anti-bloating benefits and help in remedying gas and cramps. Its seeds contain numerous active compounds, such as anethole, that offer several health benefits, particularly for the digestive system.

How to Prepare Fennel Tea:

  • Boil water in a kettle or a pan
  • Prepare the fennel seeds: Measure 1-2 teaspoons of crushed fennel seeds.
  • Place the crushed fennel seeds in a teapot or cup. Pour the boiling water over the seeds, and allow them to steep for 10 minutes
  • Strain the tea to remove the seeds and pour the tea into a cup. Enjoy it hot or cold, based on your preference.
  • You can enhance the flavour of your fennel tea by adding honey, lemon, or a cinnamon stick.

Chamomile tea

From Insomnia to bloating and gas issues, Chamomile tea helps relax the gastrointestinal tract muscles, reducing spasms and cramping that can contribute to bloating and gas. It is made from dried flowers of chamomile and has been known for centuries for its soothing properties. It helps to expel gas from the digestive system, reducing bloating and discomfort.

How to Prepare Chamomile Tea:

  • Boil a cup of water
  • Place 1-2 teaspoons of dried chamomile flowers (or a chamomile tea bag) in a teacup.
  • Pour the boiling water over the flowers and let them steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • If you use loose chamomile flowers, strain the tea to remove the flowers. Sweeten the tea with honey if desired, but avoid sugar, which can contribute to bloating and gas.
  • Sip the warm tea slowly, allowing the soothing effects to occur. It’s suggestable to drink chamomile tea 2-3 times a day, preferably after meals, to help with bloating and gas.

Lemon Balm Tea

Lemon is capable of curing digestive issues, and it helps in taming bloating as well. It helps relax the gastrointestinal tract muscles, reducing spasms and cramping that can contribute to bloating and gas. It also helps to reduce stress and anxiety.

How to Prepare Lemon Balm Tea:

  • Boil cup of water in a kettle or a pan
  • Place 1-2 teaspoons of dried lemon balm leaves (or a lemon balm tea bag) in a teacup. Pour the boiling water over the leaves and let it steep for 5-10 minutes.
  • If you use loose lemon balm leaves, strain the tea to remove the leaves. Add tea with honey or stevia if desired, but avoid sugar, which can contribute to bloating and gas.
  • Sip the warm tea slowly, allowing the soothing effects to occur. Drinking lemon balm tea 2-3 times a day, preferably after meals, is recommended to help with bloating and gas.

Final Verdict

Stay Healthy – Stay Safe. We have shown 5 best herbal teas to try for bloating and gas problems. However, it’s always better to consult a doctor if the problem persist longer, if you are on medication or pregnant. Also remember to take precautions by avoiding milk products, oily foods and bakery stuff.